
Need a StockMarketEye Alternative?

StockMarketEye is shutting down on September 26th 2023. Migrate to Beanvest now!
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Easily migrate from StockMarketEye to Beanvest

StockMarketEye is shutting down on September 26th 2023

Don't waste time to migrate from StockMarketEye. It should only take a few minutes and here's a guide to migrate from StockMarketEye to Beanvest.

The Best StockMarketEye Alternative

Beanvest has all the features you might want if you migrate from StockMarketEye, but with a cleaner interface to track your portfolio performance. You can easily benchmark your performance with an index, such as the S&P 500, or even multiple blended indexes.
Stock portfolio tracker

Start for Free - or try Beanvest Premium

Beanvest is a very cheap alternative to StockMarketEye with a very generious free tier. With Beanvest you will have access to a portfolio tracker, performance charts, and have access to fundamental data on 250k+ assets including stocks, cryptocurrencies, ETFs or mutual funds.

Ready to Become a Better Investor?

14-day Premium trial, 100% free after.

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